LEGO Universe Wiki
DJ Studd
DJ Studd
Theme LEGO Universe
World Nimbus Station
Quote "If you've got enough Imagination, grab an instrument!"

DJ Studd is the Nimbus Station Mixmaster located in Red Blocks.

DJ Studd stands on the second-highest platform in the Red Blocks Amphitheater. There, he stands behind his turntable device and acts as a disc jockey, occasionally adjusting the record discs and pressing a hand to his ear. If players talk to DJ Studd, he encourages them to play a instrument if they have enough Imagination.

Beta Information[]

During beta testing, DJ Studd was unnamed and instead identified as Concert DJ.


  • The message in Pod 3 refers to DJ Studd as DJ Figster, which may have been a preliminary name.
  • DJ Studd uses the same character model and textures as Beastie Brick A of the Beastie Blocks. Unlike Skee Daddle, who updated after Founders' Release and given a new design, DJ Studd retains the original pre-alpha appearance, making him the Beastie Blocks' only connection to the released game.

