LEGO Universe Wiki

A Foot Race is an activity that appears in most worlds. It tests how fast Minifigures are by timing how fast they can race through a certain area.

Players have to go through gates in order, by going through the one that is currently highlighted with imagination beams (the same beams used for mission hand-in) either side. The gates are 2 identical small models of a 1x1 orange cone on top of a 1x1 black brick.

After a countdown from 5, players then start with 10 seconds counting down, and by passing through each highlighted gate their time increases by 5 to 10 seconds (depending on the type of foot race), other than at the final gate which has a barrier to jump over. The aim is to get to the end without running out of time, in which case the race ends and the player has a chance to try again.

Foot races have leaderboards that can be viewed after completing them. The player with the most time remaining is at the top.

Foot Race hosts[]


  • These races do not give any rewards, other than certain exceptions such as the Brickmaster Clang's footrace for the panda, or Melty Puddles' race as a part of Frostburgh's main mission chain
  • Foot races are the only leaderboard activity other than the Monument Race that do not require green imaginite to take part in, unlike other minigames.
  • The gates have a different appearance of bamboo on Brickmaster Clang's race, and red and white Christmas poles on Melty Puddles' race.

