LEGO Universe Wiki
Forums: Index > LEGO Universe Discussion > Lego Universe comes back with your help!

Hallo. Wer schon in Ninjago gespielt hat kontaktiert mich bitte. Du kannst das Lego Universe retten! Rette die Fantasie. Vielen dank an alle die mich kontaktieren. Das ist kein Spaß. PS: Ihr braucht Windows!

Hello. Who has played in Ninjago contact me please: niklas.koerbitz @ You can save the Lego Universe! Save the imagination. Many thanks to all who contact me. That's no joke. PS: You need Windows!

Thank you very very much! Vielen, vielen Dank!

...what MsDtalk 17:54, August 25, 2013 (UTC)

Have we not clearly established the fact that this is impossible? This is a blog poast material anyway, not page. Gadzooks~The~Imortal (talk) 20:09, August 25, 2013 (UTC)

This isn't a page, it's a forum. MsDtalk 20:57, August 25, 2013 (UTC)

Oh. Do we ever actually use these here? Gadzooks (talk) 21:01, August 25, 2013 (UTC)

Not much anymore. MsDtalk 21:02, August 25, 2013 (UTC)

I'm with you
