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This is the Assembly version of Get your Faction Gear!. You may be looking for a different Faction.

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Get your Assembly Gear!
Steamvalve New
Talk to Meldric Steamvalve in Nimbus Station and pick your first Specialty Kit!
"You’ve got another important choice to make. Talk to Meldric Steamvalve, the Assembly Faction Vendor, to pick your first Specialty Kit!"
"Strong choice, Minifigure! Pick your first Specialty Kit!"
Location Info
Start Location: Nimbus Plaza
End Location: Nimbus Plaza
Enemies and NPCs
Enemy List: None
Starts With: Nexus Jay
Ends With: Meldric Steamvalve
Total Coins: None
Total U-Score: 30
Stats Won: None
Items Won: Faction Speciality Kit
Choice Items Won: None
You will be able to choose from one of three kits. Each one contains certain abilities unique to the kit and faction.
Mission Progression