LEGO Universe Wiki
LEGO Universe Wiki
ID Name Part # Image
85 Brick 2x2 with Pin 6232 M6232
120 Brick 2x2 Round 6143 M6143
178 Plate 2x2 Round 4032 M4032
345 Cone 2x2x2 3942 M3942
346 Cone 4x4x2 3943 M3943
350 Dish 4x4 Inverted 3960 M3960
378 Technic Hub 30x20 4266 M4266
382 Balloon Tire Ø8/Ø21 4288 M4288
402 Brick 2x2x2 Round with Fins 4591 M4591
429 Jet Turbine with 2x2 Base 4868 M4868
430 Blades for Jet Turbine 4869 M4869
468 Palm Stem Element 6135 M6135
486 Technic Brick 4x4 Round 6222 M6222
488 Cone 3x3x2 6233 M6233
506 Brick 2x2 with Cross Axle Hole and 2 Pins 30000 M30000
511 Plate 2x2 with Parabolic Ring 30033 M30033
522 Plate 2x2 with Square Ring 30094 M30094
563 Tile 4x4 with Palm Stem 30338 M30338
587 Slope Brick 45° Inverted, Double with 2 Pins 30390 M30390
599 Technic Bush with Horizontal Stub 30552 M30552
600 Technic Bush with Horizontal Fork 30553 M30553
615 Technic Brick 1x2 with Cross Axle Hole 32064 M32064
617 Technic Rotor 3 Blades 32125 M32125
632 Brick 2x2 with Vertical Fork 40902 M40902
635 Saw Blade, Round Ø36.7 41530 M41530
715 Boat Mast 2x2x20 48002 M48002
733 Motorbike Chassis 50859 M50859
764 Quarter Circle Brick with Sloped Rim 10x10 58846 M58846
776 Brick Column 2x2x11 75347 M75347
803 Windscreen 6x6 Octagonal with Hinge 2418 M2418
811 Angle Bracket Plate 1x2 / 1x4 2436 M2436
849 Dome 10x10x4 with Hinge 2598 M2598
850 Hemisphere 10x10x4 Inverted 2618 M2618
904 Plate 1x2 with Jet Engine 3475 M3475
1200 Steering Nozzle with 2 Studs 3963 M3963
1215 Space Blaster with Grooves 3959 M3959
1239 Technic Cross Axle 4 3705 M3705
1240 Technic Cross Axle 6 3706 M3706
1241 Technic Cross Axle 8 3707 M3707
1242 Technic Cross Axle 12 3708 M3708
1243 Technic Cross Axle 10 3737 M3737
1244 Technic Cross Axle 3 4519 M4519
1245 Technic Cross Axle Extension, Rippled 6538 M6538
1247 Technic Pin with Cross Axle 6562 M6562
1248 Technic Cross Axle 3 with Stud 6587 M6587
1249 Technic Bush 6590 M6590
1251 Technic Friction Pin 1.5 with Cross Axle Hole 32054 M32054
1252 Technic Axle 2 with Grooves 32062 M32062
1253 Technic Cross Axle 5 32073 M32073
1254 1/2 Bush 32123 M32123
1255 Technic Pin Double 1.5 with Cross Axle 32138 M32138
1256 Technic Beam 3 with 2 Lateral Cross Axle Holes 32184 M32184
1258 Technic Pin with Friction and Cross Axle 43093 M43093
1259 Technic Cross Axle 7 44294 M44294
5067 Technic Dish Ø24 2723 M2723
5068 Technic Axle 2 with Ball 2736 M2736
5072 Propeller Ø9 with 2 Blades and Pin Hole 2952 M2952
5082 Technic Gear Wheel 8 3647 M3647
5083 Technic Gear Wheel 24 3648 M3648
5084 Technic Crown Gear 24 3650 M3650
5111 Technic Gear Wheel 16 4019 M4019
5180 Cone 1x1 59900 M59900
5191 Technic Beam 2 with Lateral Cross Axle Hole 6536 M6536
5194 Technic Half Beam 3 6632 M6632
5284 Technic Half Beam 4 with Cuff 32006 M32006
5286 Bobbin 32012 M32012
5287 Technic Angle Connector 90° 32014 M32014
5288 Technic Angle Connector 112.5° 32015 M32015
5289 Technic Angle Connector 157.5° 32016 M32016
5293 Technic Angular Wheel 32072 M32072
5295 Technic Rotor 2 Blades 32124 M32124
5296 Technic Bush with Pin Collar 32126 M32126
5297 Technic Wheel Hard-Plastic 30.4x14 32146 M32146
5298 Technic Angle Connector 135° 32192 M32192
5299 Technic Half Beam 3x5 with Curve 32250 M32250
5300 Technic Double Conical Wheel Z20 32269 M32269
5301 Technic Double Conical Wheel Z12 32270 M32270
5302 Technic Angular Beam 45° 3x7 32271 M32271
5304 Technic Angular Beam 45° 4x4 32348 M32348
5305 Technic Half Beam 1x4 32449 M32449
5306 Technic Ball Joint 32474 M32474
5335 BIONICLE Trident 40339 M40339
5352 BIONICLE Eye 41669 M41669
5353 Technic Half Beam 2 41677 M41677
5374 Technic Skate 44032 M44032
5400 Technic Hub with 4 Sticks 48723 M48723
5404 Train Wheel Ø8.2/14.6 50254 M50254
5405 BIONICLE Claw 4x12 50914 M50914
5441 Technic Cross Axle 8 with End Stop 55013 M55013
5452 Train Wheel with Cross Axle 55423 M55423
5454 Rim Ø18 Wide with Cross Axle Hole 55982 M55982
5455 Rim 30x20 56145 M56145
5476 BIONICLE Blade 57565 M57565
5483 Technic 3-Branch Cross Axle 57585 M57585
5485 Brick 2x2 Ball Joint 57909 M57909
5509 Technic Cross Axle 5.5 with Stop 59426 M59426
5510 Technic Cross Axle Extension, Smooth 59443 M59443
5525 Technic Beam 2 with Cross Axle Hole 74695 M74695
5565 Spool Ø16 61510 M61510
5588 Brick 2x2 with Cup for Ball 62712 M62712
5593 Plate 2x2 with Ball Socket and Cross Axle Hole 63082 M63082
8821 Technic Crank 2854 M2854
8823 Technic Triangle Half Beam 5x3 2905 M2905
8842 Technic Gear Wheel 40 3649 M3649
8853 Technic Wedge-Belt Wheel Ø24 4185 M4185
8862 Technic Worm Screw 4716 M4716
8873 Brick 2x2x3 1/3 Octagonal 6037 M6037
8874 Cone 2x2x1 1/3 Octagonal 6039 M6039
8875 Propeller Ring-Casing with Fins 6040 M6040
8876 Ship's Propeller with 3 Blades and Cross Axle Hole 6041 M6041
8877 Brick 2x2x3x1/3 Octagonal with Studs on Side 6042 M6042
8878 Brick 2x2x3x1/3 Octagonal with 90° Angle 6043 M6043
8899 Plate Wing 16x14 6219 M6219
8906 Technic Gear Wheel 16 with Pin Hole 6542 M6542
8907 Technic Axle 1.5 with Cross Axle Connection Bush 6553 M6553
8908 Technic Cam Disc 6575 M6575
8955 Technic Angular Beam 3x7 45°/90° 32009 M32009
8956 Technic Angle Connector 0° 32013 M32013
8958 Rim Ø43.2 32020 M32020
8959 Technic Angle Connector 180° 32034 M32034
8960 Technic Bush with Cross Axle Connection Bush 32039 M32039
8961 Technic Angular Half-beam 90° 3x3 32056 M32056
8963 Technic Angular Beam 4x2 90° 32140 M32140
8964 Technic Beam 7, Special 32177 M32177
8966 Technic Bevel Gear Z20 32198 M32198
8970 Technic Half Beam 3x3 with Curve 32249 M32249
8971 Technic Half Beam 5x7 with Curve 32251 M32251
8972 Technic Cross-Joiner Double 2x1 32291 M32291
8975 BIONICLE Head 32310 M32310
8977 BIONICLE Foot 32475 M32475
8979 Technic Double Conical Wheel Z36 32498 M32498
8986 BIONICLE Flame 32558 M32558
8993 Technic Steering Knuckle Arm 33299 M33299
8994 Technic Axle with Thorny Drill 40340 M40340
9003 Technic Cross-Joiner Double 2x1 with 2 Half-Beams 41678 M41678
9006 Technic Beam 3 with Lateral Cross Axle Hole 42003 M42003
9008 BIONICLE Tooth 42074 M42074
9019 1/2 Ball 3M 44359 M44359
9020 Technic Beam 2x2 90° Angle 44809 M44809
9026 Technic Flexible Double Bush 45590 M45590
9037 Technic Cross Axle 32 50450 M50450
9039 Technic Beam 2 with Ball 50923 M50923
9047 BIONICLE Ball magazine 53550 M53550
9048 Technic Lift Arm, Cylinder 53586 M53586
9058 BIONICLE Shooter 54271 M54271
9063 Technic Dragon Wing 8x10 55706 M55706
9068 Rim Ø30 56904 M56904
9071 Cam Wheel Ø26 57520 M57520
9075 BIONICLE Blade 57563 M57563
9076 Flexible Tentacle 57564 M57564
9079 Telescopic Arm 2x1 1/3x16 57779 M57779
9082 Technic Horseshoe with Cross Axle 58177 M58177
9090 Technic Ball Cup 60176 M60176
9093 Technic Cross Axle 9 60485 M60485
9099 Technic Ball Cup Double 7M 61054 M61054
9113 Technic Wing 61800 M61800
9134 Technic Beam 2 with Robot Arm 64275 M64275
9139 Lattice Brick 1x6x5 with Cross-Beams 64448 M64448
9144 Technic Rotor 6 Blades with Connecting Beams and Vertical Clips 64566 M64566
9180 Technic Brick 1x2 with Bars 85943 M85943
9193 Space Blaster, Smooth 86208 M86208
9199 Technic Cross Axle 4 with End Stop 87083 M87083
9247 Rim Ø56 44772 M44772
10181 Technic Universal Joint 61903 M61903
10182 Mindstorms Linear Actuator 10-15 M 61927 M61927
10255 Technic Shell 3x5x3 57558 M57558
10265 BIONICLE Claw 61804 M61804
11040 Cone 1x1 4589 M4589
16329 Technic Steering Wheel 2741 M2741
16333 Plastic Motor, Crank/Cross 2853 M2853
16335 Rim Ø61.6 x 13.6 2903 M2903
16350 Technic Gear 32060 M32060
16351 Technic Steering-Gear 3M 32068 M32068
16356 Steering Wheel/Crank 3736 M3736
16374 Holder with Cross Axle and Knob 47474 M47474
16379 Puck Ø16 x 2/3 47576 M47576
16385 Sprocket, Ø40.7 57519 M57519
16395 Cross Block 3x2 63869 M63869
16398 Beam 2 with Ball Ø 10.2 64276 M64276
16399 Flame 64297 M64297
16400 7M Double Ball Shell with Cross Hinge 64311 M64311
16401 Rack 13 M 64781 M64781
16411 Rack 7 M 87761 M87761
16419 Motorcycle Rim Ø 75 88517 M88517
16422 Ball Cup Double Ø10.2, 5M 89650 M89650
16423 Brick 2x2 with Groove 90258 M90258
16447 Cross Block/Form 2x2x2 92907 M92907
16460 Dragon Head 93070 M93070
16467 Hand 2x3x2 Ball Cup Ø10.2 93575 M93575