LEGO Universe Wiki
This NPC was removed from the final game.

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This page contains information about content from the Alpha Test Phase or Pre-Alpha Development Phase. This did not appear in the final game.

Nimbus Station Greeter
Nimbus station greeter
Theme LEGO Universe
World Nimbus Station
Quote "Ready for your own property! Use this Launch Pad, select "Available" (upper right), and talk to the Real Estate Guy when you land."

The Nimbus Station Greeter was an NPC in Nimbus Station during the Alpha Test Phase.

The Nimbus Station Greeter was located on the hill up to the Avant Gardens launchpad, very close to where The Battle of Nimbus Station is today. There, he gave a mission to fly to Cul-de-sac, talk to Guy the Land Agent (whom he refers to as a Real Estate Guy), and claim the property.

The Nimbus Station Greeter only appeared for a short time in alpha testing before he was removed. He is not in the final game.


  • The Nimbus Station Greeter's shoulder pads were reused from Sky Lane.