LEGO Universe Wiki

This is a list of all non-faction pants in LEGO Universe. Pants are, quite obviously, the articles of clothing that Minifigures wear on their legs.

When no pants are equipped, your character will default to the color of pants chosen during character creation.

It's not possible to have no pants (yellow pants) on, unless there is a bug.

Item Name Acquisition Level Required Rarity Effects Armor Imagination Cost Sale Price Picture
Cargo Pants Avant Gardens Drop 5 R None 1 1 N/A 325 Cargo Pants
Dungarees Nexus Foce Commendation 1 Achievement/ Drop 15 R None 2 2 N/A 325 Dungarees
Hammer Pants Forbidden Valley Drop 15 U None 0 2 1,425 142 Hammer Pants
Bell Bottoms Forbidden Valley Drop

Buy from Yan Parablister

20 U None 2 2 3,425 342 Bell Bottoms
Metal Legs, Solid

Avant Guardian 2 achievement/ Drop

U None 1 0


10 tokens

142 Metal Legs, Solid
Clam Diggers Avant Gardens drop 0 U None 0 1 N/A 92 Clam Diggers
Sweat Pants Avant Gardens drop 0 U None 0 1 N/A 92 Sweat Pants
Jeans Buy from Sofia Amalgam 5 R None 1 1 3,250 325 Jeans
Gauchos Forbidden Valley Drop 20 VR None 3 2 N/A 915 Gauchos
Steel Legs Gnarled Forest drop 20 U None 2 2 N/A 342 Steel Legs
Iron Legs Forbidden Valley Drop 20 R None 3 2 N/A 575 Iron Legs
Party Pants Buy from Dominic Knack 0 U None 0 0 425 42
Party Pants
Flash Pants Achievement Has a sparkle effect 0 0


10 tokens

42 7797 60x60
Khakis Buy from Fermie LaBoosh None 2 0 N/A 142 8646 60x60
Tights Gnarled Forest Drop 15 R None 2 1 N/A 425 8650 60x60
Jodhpurs Avant Gardens drop 0 U None 1 0 N/A 142 Jodhpurs
Chaps Gnarled Forest Drop 15 U None 1 2 N/A 242 Item 150 8649 09285e76ea7a2d607f0b97a1cb64c20d
Capris Gnarled Forest Drop 15 R None 2 1 N/A 425 Carpis
Flannel Pants Purchase in Frostburgh None 1 1 ? 4 Candy canes Flannelpants
Trousers Purchase on Crux Prime None 1 3 ? 292 Trousers
Pinstripe Pant Legs Buy from Rutger Hemoglobin None 2 3 ? 750 Trousers
Cutoff Jeans Purchase on Crux Prime None 2 2 ? 310 Cutoffjeans
Comfy Jeans Buy from Rutger Hemoglobin None 1 1 ? 192 Cutoffjeans
Flight Suit Legs Smash 'Em All 5 Achievement

Buy from Rutger Hemoglobin

15 None 2 2 4,420 442 Flightlegs
Racing Legs Buy from Rutger Hemoglobin None 3 2 ? 850 Racelegs
Parrot Pants Mission Reward None 1 0 N/A 42 Parrotpants

Contest and Reward Pants[]

Name Acquisition Effects Armor Imagination Sale Price Picture
Nexus Astronaut Pants Pre-Order the game None 0 0 210 Bright Orange Pants
Splendid Pants Promotional item Restores 1 Imagination Point 0 0 515 10164 60x60
Zazzy Pants Bronze Trophy contest reward 1 1 325 Bright Red Pants
Jazzy Pants Silver Trophy contest reward 2 2 475 Dark Stone Grey Pants
Snazzy Pants Gold Trophy contest reward 3 3 900 Black Pants

Unattainable Pants[]

Item Name Acquisition Level Required Rarity Effects Armor Imagination Cost Sale Price Picture
Creative Pants Survival achievement during the BETA test None 3 2 N/A 915 Creative Pants
Harlequin Costume Legs Given away by the Mythrans on the last days None 3 3 N/A 625 Herllegs
Lederhosen Legs Mythran Giveaway 20 None 3 0 N/A 342 Lederhosen

Basic and Starting Pants[]

Basic pants are very common and can drop from a number of enemies fairly frequently. Every minifigure starts with a pair of their choice from character creation.

A random selection of starting pants can be purchased from Leroy Duddsmith in Nimbus Station.

Basic pants provide no stats.

Name Cost Sale Price Picture
Bright Red Pants 100 10 Bright Red Pants
Bright Orange Pants 100 10 Bright Orange Pants
Brick Yellow Pants 100 10 Brick Yellow Pants
Medium Blue Pants 100 10 Medium Blue Pants
Sand Green Pants 100 10
Dark Green Pants 100 10 Dark Green Pants
Earth Green Pants 100 10 Earth Green Pants
Earth Blue Pants 100 10 Earth Blue Pants
Bright Blue Pants 100 10 Bright Blue Pants
Sand Blue Pants 100 10
Dark Stone Grey Pants 100 10 Dark Stone Grey Pants
Medium Stone Grey Pants 100 10 Medium Stone Grey Pants
White Pants 100 10 White Pants
Black Pants 100 10 Black Pants
Reddish Brown Pants 100 10
Dark Red Pants 100 10 Dark Red Pants