Is the strategy for fighting Butterscorch really needed? It sounds like an opinion to me. mean listen:
"the rewards are not enough to make it worthwhile attacking Butterscorch regularly."
A good strategy for defeating him is to stand on the platform form behind Butterscorch. There, you can hide and get away from the attacks but dont get Butterscorch's attention. (But that is almost impossible) Then he will attack you and try to knock you off the little platform. The way to do it is have people attack in front, so he won't knock you off the little platform. But if the people in front of him smash, then you're next. The trick is, when they smash, jump on the big platform and try to dodge his fireballs until the other members of your team come back. Also, the Doc-in-the-Box is the best consumable for Butterscorch.
I am a Free Player!! 19:42, December 4, 2011 (UTC)
Another strategy needs a Hand item that can block and a Mosaic Jester Cap. What you do is get on the platform, activate the Jester Cap, and use your weapon to block the attacks. This method works faster with a team and takes about 40 minutes to do solo. But if you aren't a Sentinel, you will have to use the Elite Sword of Blocking from the Crux Prime Guardian achievement. But the best way is to dodge and block at the same time, which is only recommended for experieced players. But the easiest way for non-Sentinels is to dodge .Super0jet 01:29, December 13, 2011 (UTC)Super0jet.