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I also think it could stand for "Huge ol fist."

Hugo First is a classic pun that has been around for years, and it is commonly understood to be a pun for "You go first". For example, in a book full of puns, I recall reading about a fictional book titled Into the Dark, Scary Woods written by Hugo First. "Huge ol' fist" makes no sense in that context, but "You go first" does, since it might be what one (cowardly, usually the sidekick) character would say to another (brave, usually the protagonist) character (recall that one conversation Indiana Jones and Sallah had in Raiders of the Lost Ark before entering the Well of Souls, which ended with Sallah saying "You go first" to Indy).
And don't think that Into the Dark, Scary Woods by Hugo First is a real book; as I said, this was mentioned in a book of classic puns. A more well-known example from the same chapter was The Yellow River by I.P. Daily, and I'm not going to explain that pun to you.
Besides, "Hugo" and "You go" are pronounced nearly (not exactly) the same, but it would take some warping to get "Hugo First" to sound like "Huge ol' fist". Most LEGO Universe puns do not require such warping. --PeabodySam 11:13, August 27, 2011 (UTC)